How To Effectively Follow-Up Your Customer Enquiries

How well are you following up with your customer enquiries?

Are they followed-up in a timely and professional manner?

How you do things in your business sets the tone and pace for your customers. The way you are responding to the enquiries from your existing and potential customers says a lot about your business.

If you are great at following up initially, your customers will get a good feeling of your business which will enhance the likelihood of them doing business with you.

Here’s how you can you follow-up quotes …

1) Make sure that you have a system to follow.

This could be in the form of a script or template. Remember to use a script as a guide only; do not be too scripted in your approach. Be consistent; have some key principles and words that you can use so that you get the desired outcomes and actions from your customers.

2) Make someone responsible.

Who will be responsible for responding to customer enquiries in your business? It can be a staff member or yourself. Whoever it is, make sure that they block out some time to do it.

3) Make sure that you get agreement from your customers.

Get permission from your customers to follow up with them after their initial enquiry. Agree on a mutually-appropriate time that is convenient to organise a follow-up call.

4) Make sure you have a reminder system.

What are the reminders that you need to put into place to call back that customer? Reminders can simply be set in your smartphone, your diary, your email system or your CRM system. This is important in order that you deliver your promises to your customer.

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