Success Principles
It is one thing to learn the different strategies and tactics to run a successful business.
It is another thing to put them into action…
In fact, the strategies and tactics probably account for 10% of your results.
The other 90% is what is going on inside your head.
For it is your mindset that shapes what you do, what you don’t do, and what you think is possible or not.
And sometimes we are our own worst enemy … and often this comes down to how we think.
This is something to tackle head on because if left unchecked will sabotage your success and the results you are after.
The good news is success leaves clues…
Check out the tips below on how you can Be A More Successful Business Owner
What To Do When You Get Stuck In Your Business
Are you feeling stuck in a particular area of your business? When you get stuck in your business, you can get worried, you can get anxious, you can get frustrated and go, “how am I going to get out of this rut, how am I going to get out of this situation?”. Worrying about it does not add a day
What To Do When You Feel Alone in Business
We speak to a lot of business owners and are often amazed at how often people in small business think they are all alone. And we understand that. Running your business can be a lonely place. Quite often as a small business owner you think ‘hey, the problems I am going through or the challenges I am facing or the
One Key Thing Successful Business Owners Do
What separates an average business from a successful one? There are a number of things, but one that stands out is: successful business owners will work ‘ON’ their business. See, most small business owners are really good at their profession or trade, so they spend far too much time working ‘IN’ their business. This is fine to start with but
Don’t Let Your Mind Take You Out
Do you often worry about things that are about to happen in your business? In some cases, you are your biggest enemy. Often things that happen in your mind can take you out because you’ve built up a story up about what’s about to happen rather than what actually happens. Let’s explore the notion of ‘mind vs reality’ and how
Simple Tips To Improving Business Results
Getting business results is very similar to achieving good health and fitness. Both require effort, discipline and consistency. So, here are four simple tips you can apply to improving business outcomes: 1) There are no magic pills It takes discipline and consistency. There are no magic pills. Working on your business to achieve the outcomes you want is like working
What Are You Grateful for In Your Business?
Usually in business, when problems arise and when things are not working out, you will tend focus on the negative things, the problems and what is not working. This can send your business into a vicious downward spiral. In that moment, you can often forget to look at what you have done right. You can often forget to be grateful
The Importance of Asking Better Questions In Your Business
You might have heard the famous saying that “nothing is impossible“. When working towards your desired outcomes, it is always important not to take anything at face value. There is always a way around issues in every situation. Consider this situation: You have broken your foot a few weeks before a very important business conference overseas. Your doctor says that
Where Are You Working Hard, Instead of Smart, In Your Business?
Are there areas of your business where you are working harder instead of smarter? Working hard is one of the keys to success but only if you work hard on the right things. Here are four things for you to consider to help you work smarter in your business so you can really get ahead: 1) Stop and evaluate Sometimes,
How You Can Move Your Business Forward by Learning the Lesson
Have you ever been in the place where the same mistakes or situations keep happening in your business no matter how you attempt to solve it? These repetitive problems can frustrate you, and even your team. It can possibly frustrate your customers too. No matter where you are in your business, seeking the right advice can give you a different
Where Are You Putting Yourself In Your Business?
Where you put yourself in your business can have a great impact on how you feel about your business and ultimately your results especially if you are you putting others’ needs ahead of your own. Do you put yourself first or last? On an airplane, they tell you to put your own oxygen mask on first – that way you’ll
The Power Of Words You Use (And How They Can Impact Your Business)
One of the major things that can impact our results in business that many business owners tend to overlook is the power of words that we use. The words that we use in our everyday lives can actually impact the world around us in many ways. However, they can be categorised in two forms: External words and Internal words. 1)
How to stay energised when running a small business.
There are a lot of responsibilities of having your own business. It’s easy to get caught up in things that end up taking more time out of your day. It’s important to do the things that needs to get done. But if you’re letting your business run you instead of you running the business, it’s time to rethink how you’re